The second historical district in the Center
Exact address:
Via Francesco Rismondo 1
37129 Verona - Italy
Our phone:
Tel. +39.324.5492313
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A 5 minute walk from Giulietta & Romeo
A 5 minute walk from Piazza Erbe
3 minutes walk from the University
A 5 minute walk from the Arche Scaligere
5 minutes walk from the Roman Theater
A 5 minute walk from Porta Vescovo station
A 10 minute walk from the Arena of Verona
A 10 minute walk from Piazza Bra
10 minutes walk from the Arsenale
A 10 minute walk from Castelvecchio
10 minutes walk from the Gran Guardia
A 10 minute walk from Verona's City Hall
A 20 minute walk from the Porta Nuova station

Panorama of Veronetta, on the left bank of the Adige.
The history of our beautiful neighborhood ....
Veronetta is a district of Verona , located on the left bank of the Adige river respect to the historic center. The neighborhood is inhabited by 10,235 people.
Veronetta represents the first residential nucleus of the city. It houses the remains of the Roman theater and the Austrian fort known as Castel San Pietro , on the hill of San Pietro which dominates the city as a grandiose scenic backdrop. After the earthquake of 3 January 1117 , which destroyed almost the whole city, reconstruction began in Veronetta as well: new walls were erected, which included the churches of S. Stefano , S. Giovanni in Valle and S. Maria in Organo . Other churches were also built in the neighborhood, such as S. Siro and SS. Nazaro and Celso .
In the 16th century Porta Vescovo was raised, which still delimits the eastern part of the neighborhood.
In 1801 , with the Napoleonic arrival in Italy, the city was divided into two: the left bank of Adige , Veronetta in fact, was attributed to the Austrian Army and the right to the French Army. Then was born that the use of calling the part dominated by the Austrians with the name Veronetta , from the French "Veronette", initially with derogatory use, The city was reunited only in 1805 , under the sovereignty of France.
With the Austrian reconquest, Veronetta was provided with several military warehouses for the troops of the Austro-Hungarian Empire . It was just after the abandonment of the Austrians and the flood of 1882 that Veronetta fell into poverty, and ended up being a poor neighborhood.
Only in 1973 , with a special plan, the rehabilitation took place in our neighborhood that today shines among one of the most ancient and suggestive neighborhoods of Verona. Nowadays Veronetta is also the university district, as the headquarters of the University of Verona .